A New Year is about to begin, and while you may not be the type to make resolutions, you probably do enjoy running and could always use a fresh pair of shoes to log some miles in. Or perhaps a free pair of shoes is the motivation you need to get out the door for that run in the cold, dark days of January?
During the month of January, Team Red Lizard will be tracking runs using Strava and awarding 4 pairs of shoes – one for each of the following categories:
- Number of days run – men
- Number of days run – women
- Total miles – men & women combined
- Total elevation – men & women combined
For each category, you will get one “raffle” ticket entered into the prize drawing based on the following criteria:
- Number of days run. One raffle ticket for each day of the month you log a run. So up to 31 opportunities during the month. We will draw a male and female winner.
- Miles logged. One raffle ticket for every ten miles logged. So 0-10 miles = 1 ticket, 10-20 miles = 2 tickets, etc.)
- Elevation gain. One raffle ticket for every 1000 feet of elevation gain. So 0-1000′ = 1 ticket, 1000-2000′ = 2 tickets, etc.)
Whether you run long, run up, or just get out the door for a run, there are lots of ways to win. All you really need to do to have a chance at winning this contest is get out for a run!
One other thing to note, we will be using Strava to track member stats – so be sure to use Strava and join the Team Red Lizard club. If you aren’t already using Strava, it is easy to sign up. There are even ways to manually enter your run info, if you happen to be one of those runners who isn’t currently using a GPS-enabled watch, and don’t feel like running with a phone. If you have questions about using Strava, check out this article or feel free to email torrey@redlizardrunning.com
Looking forward to seeing who will ring in the New Year with some new shoes. Happy running!