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TRL Member spotlight: Jeff Malmquist

Editor’s Note: Jeff Malmquist has been a Lizard for many years, a significant portion of them as run leader for TRL’s Thursday evening Goose Run—named for its starting location in Goose Hollow, but also for its signature feature: the 1,000 foot hills we dub the Summer Goose and the Winter Goose. 

How long have you been running and why did you start running? Oh gosh. I am guessing around 25 years? I was playing a lot of recreational soccer and gradually lost my speed and quickness and started fouling people. I realized I couldn’t keep doing that, so I stopped and decided to start entering local running races. I still remember my first 5K. I was blown away by how friendly and supportive everyone was. So, I kept going.

How long have you been part of TRL, and what drew you to the club in the first place? About 19 years. I moved to PDX from Minneapolis in 2004 and didn’t know anyone. So, I Googled Portland running clubs and up popped TRL. The website said TRL was involved in several charitable activities (Blanchet House and Special Olympics), which I really liked. The first TRL run I went to was the Saturday Run With the Dogs from Foot Traffic in Lake Oswego…and nobody showed up! What the hell kind of club is this?! (Editor’s note: oops! Glad you came back!)

What do you do when you’re not running (job, family, school…whatever it is you’d use to introduce yourself outside of running)? During the tax season, I volunteer to prepare income taxes for low-income people. Pre-pandemic I was the coordinator for a site at Lloyd Center. We were the largest free tax-prep site in Oregon and one of the largest in the nation. I’m a huge soccer fan, especially Timbers and Thorns! I’m also a member of and I pick up litter several times a week in Goose Hollow where I live.

What’s your favorite distance/type of run (5K, half-marathon, marathon, ultras, relays, track, trail, etc.)? I haven’t been racing for many years, but recently I’ve gotten back to running 5Ks. I’ve run Hood to Coast and Cascade Lakes several times each and even the first (and last!) Hells Canyon Relay. I enjoyed them all. I’ve never run a marathon and don’t plan to…that’s a loooong way!

Where is your favorite place to run in the greater Portland area? My favorite run is the Thursday night Goose run. It’s a huge hill from Goose Hollow Inn up to Pittock Mansion in the summer and Council Crest in the winter. It’s a hell of a workout. Also, I run a 5-mile training route from Goose Hollow down to the Willamette, across the Steel Bridge, down to and across the Hawthorne Bridge and back.

What’s your most memorable running experience (or experiences)? Several come to mind. Years ago, for Angela Lindbo’s birthday, a group of Lizards ran the Grand Canyon from the South Rim down to the river and back. A wonderful memory! My favorite race ever is the Mount Hood Scramble. It’s the only race I’ve ever run during which I was laughing because it was so ridiculous!

What’s the best running advice you’ve ever received? Hmmm…I remember standing on the start line of a 5K once, talking to Torrey Lindbo. I mentioned that I didn’t feel 100%. I never forgot his reply. He said “You never do.” He’s right. Just go with what ya got!

Tell us one fun fact, hidden talent, or something we don’t know about you, but should? I worked for Northwest Airlines for over twenty years. I travelled A LOT; so much so that I don’t travel by plane very much anymore. My most memorable places to visit were Japan, the northern lake region in Italy, and Sydney, Australia. Also, I haven’t owned a car for many years.

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