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Member Spotlight: Yen-Yen WU

1. How long have you been running and why did you start running? I started running around 2019 to help my cardio for other sports and interests. But it was very much an obligatory chore that I hated. Now running is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life. Mostly to justify my running shoe addiction. And maybe because I love it too. 

2. How long have you been part of TRL, and what drew you to the club in the first place? I’ve been running off and on with TRL about a year. I moved to Portland and was looking for a way to meet cool people while also getting in a workout. I felt like dedicated runners have a certain discipline and desire to improve. So being around people like that would help push me to also do better. I dunno, I think runners are cool.  

3. What do you do when you’re not running (job, family, school…whatever it is you’d use to introduce yourself outside of running)? I spend too much time doom scrolling on the internet. But in an effort to come off as a personable, well rounded, and interesting human being; I force myself to also dabble in writing, reading, and shower karaoke. 

4. What’s your favorite distance/type of run (5K, half-marathon, marathon, ultras, relays, track, trail, etc.)? There’s definitely an appeal to longer distances. But my heart is ruled by the need for speed. Sprints! Something about the reckless exertion of giving it your all. It’s refreshing since we go through life in a constant state of fine motor control. Once in a blue moon, you’re able to lock into the zone and really redline it. Each step’s rapid impulse shakes your vision so that the peripherals blur and you get this tunnel vision. Your feet’s contact time with the ground is so short it almost feels like you’re flying. Muah! Chef’s kiss Chef’s kiss. Nothing better.

What’s pacing? Never heard of it.

5. Where is your favorite place to run in the greater Portland area? Riverview Cemetery is in the city, quiet, and scenic. In particular, there’s a long winding path up a steep hill there that I’ve dubbed Heaven’s hill. Pun half intended. On a clear afternoon the sun sits right on top of the hill. So, you get to run into the warmth and radiance of the Sun. Then you can turn around and get a gorgeous view of east Portland. Good enough to name a Led Zeppelin song after.

6. What’s your most memorable running experience (or experiences)?

Hard to pick a favorite. One standout, is one time on a gorgeous summer day, I had a dragonfly fly in front of me and act as my pacer for a little while. It was like out of a video game where you have a little buddy companion tagging along.

Also, gotta love those little moments when the music is hitting just as you happen to be running next to a car or a biker. Suddenly your slow, long-distance run is now a race to beat them to the stop light or that next light pole. 

7. What’s the best running advice you’ve ever received? Go fast! Also, buy new shoes! Bad advice for my wallet though.

8. Tell us one fun fact, hidden talent, or something we don’t know about you, but should? The real reason that I run is so that I can eat an entire tub of ice cream—and I mean those 1.5-quart ones, not those itty bitty pint tubs—in one sitting and not feel guilt or remorse. Okay, maybe a little bit of guilt and remorse. But that nagging voice is definitely much quieter after a long run. Not too shabby for a lactose intolerant. How’s that for a hidden talent?

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