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TRL support for club cross nationals

On Saturday, December 10, 2022, some of the fastest open and masters runners in the country will descend on Golden Gate Park in San Francisco for the USATF national club cross country championship races – and TRL will be there!

While we haven’t even kicked off our local Stumptown Cross series, there are already several teams planning to make the trek to San Francisco this December. Here is what you need to know if you were thinking you might want to join one of the TRL teams.

The TRL board has decided to provide a similar level of support as in the past for athletes who plan to head to nationals – covering the race entry fee ($45), and providing funds for team housing ($1000 for both the men’s and women’s teams).

Who gets club support?

  • Must be a current TRL member
  • A member who races for TRL (we want to see you out there in red!) in TWO Stumptown XC races or volunteers for TRL if they are injured or otherwise has a good reason.
  • If a team (e.g. 70+ women) can’t field a complete team, a proposed teammate would need to obtain a TRL membership, pay for their own travel, but TRL will cover the $45 entry as this person is proudly representing our club

If you think you might be interested in joining one of the teams, get registered for Stumptown, and you can always reach out to with questions or to get put into contact with the appropriate team captain.

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