With six races down, TRL’s Spring Into Summer Series now has 59 contenders. Next up is the Strava Segment (part of the Thursday Goose Hollow Run, though it can be run on any day) and Bowerman 5k. Details can be found here.
Numbers in parentheses are the number of races run, if more than 1. Details on how the scoring is calculated can be found here. Report any errors or omissions to Rick Lovett.
Asterisks reflect current top 10 with 5 places going according to score and 5 according to participation (with score as tie breaker).
Chelsea Warren 280 (3) *
Stephanie Ross 221 (4) *
Kellie Houser 185 (2) *
Crystal Query 171 (2) *
Kristin Shaw 133 *
Carre Heineck 100 *
Hannah Smith 100 * (tie)
Elise Lagerstrom 100* (tie)
Jessie Rubin 93
Rachel Morris 84
Megan Taylor 84 (2) *
Jessica Dover 78
Sophia Bigio 73
Jennifer Federov 68
Liana Bernard 56
Laura Meadors 55 (2) *
Mags Chapin 47
Delaney McDowell 47
Juilet Knowles 42
Julie Markley 40
Jennifer Truong 36
Ha Nguyen 27
Lisa Niequist 20
Sam Lassen 20
Betsy Miller 20
Laura Nitti 20
Michael Haynes 273 (3) *
Ian Batch 200 (2) *
Zach Steele 190 (2) *
Jake Stout 173 (2) *
Gareth Price 164 (2) *
Brian Ledder 162 (2) *
Evan Wilson 154 (2) *
Rick Lovett 40 (3) *
Tim Hulshof 107 (2) *
Max Smith 106 (2) *
Kolter Grigsby 105 (2)
Brian Comer 97
Sandy Dittel 86
Steve Short 83
Andy Bayer 79
Aaron Coe 76
Dave Ross 72 (2)
Jonathan Osborne 72
Jason Aiken 68 (2)
Chris Sheaffer 68
Shuntao Cai 65
Yen-Yen Wu 60
Paul Zulak 60
Garland Days 58
Dillon George 55
Matt Book 52
Michael Sherfinski 51
Jeff Malmquist 47
Fasial Ibraheem 44
Chris McGinness 37
Gary Adams 33
Joe Dudman 30
Dean Laochamroonvorapongse 27
Taylor Anderson 23
Daniel Donovan 20
Devish Mohan 20
Roscoe McDonald 20
Spencer Grady 20
Hi joe: I can’t believe you are
still RUNNING 🏃♂️ good 4 u.
Show those kids how it’s done. Bob Stiner