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Purge & Splurge 2022

We have one more holiday group run before we say goodbye to 2022. Purge and Splurge will take place on Saturday, December 31, at 9 am. The run will start at 9am from the Newberry Road end of the Wildwood Trail. Depending on the distance you plan to run, you will meet ahead of… Read More »Purge & Splurge 2022

TRL Shoe Drive Hits 9th Year

By Rick Lovett How much can you walk in a pair of running shoes that has outlived their usefulness for running? One hundred miles? Two hundred miles? Five hundred miles? Most of us probably don’t know, but as someone who’s been forced to transition (mostly) from running to walking and… Read More »TRL Shoe Drive Hits 9th Year

Board Candidate Statements

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Every 2 years, Team Red Lizard has an election for the 4 officer positions on the board – President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  For the March 2022 elections, we have candidates willing to run for each of those positions.  The following are the statements they submitted for members to… Read More »Board Candidate Statements

The TRL Board Needs You!

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First posted in 2021. Being on a “board” – if you have ever thought that sounded important, well, it is. But being on the TRL board doesn’t require you to have special training or credentials; it simply requires that you enjoy running and being a part of the Lizard community.… Read More »The TRL Board Needs You!